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时间:2024-05-24 07:40:08 初一日记 我要投稿






  Today, when I came home from school, I saw a beautiful tree on the road. The leaves on this tree are like a small fan. There are many stripes on the leaves, just like the folding prints of small folding fans, one by one, very beautiful! It's autumn now. The yellow leaves on the ground look golden from afar. It's so lovely!


  I love autumn! Love the beautiful nature more!



  It began to snow last night and didn't stop until the afternoon! I can't wait to run out of the house and get close to the snow.


  Everywhere is a vast expanse of white, as if into the fairyland of fairy tales. There is a thick layer of snow on the trees on both sides of the road. When the cold wind blows, it drops. The roof of the house in the distance is also covered with a thick quilt. It looks soft, like marshmallow.


  Ah! How beautiful it is snowing!



  It's spring, but it's still very cold these days. The river is frozen. I see a little bird walking on the ice. My hands are red with cold, like a big radish. When I write, they are crooked.


  In the afternoon, when it snowed, the students cried happily, "snow! Snow!" but the group stopped. It's a pity.



  This morning, I played a little game of knowledge in the shop. After playing chess with my classmates, I was not allowed to back when the soldiers were only walking. The soldiers played chess with guns. Like the soldiers in command, the soldiers walked obliquely, like the flying fields, the horses jumped on the day, and the cars crashed.


  Every time I use a carriage, I win two sets of chess. I win the first day of horse jumping, and I win the second day when he is handsome and sent to my cart.



  Today is my first time to get a little flower. In the morning, the teacher asked us to write our math homework. I did not only have one problem but also made no mistakes. I settled the last two problems with two solutions. The teacher praised me and said that I was a good student who liked to use my brain. I'm really happy today.


  I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!



  “书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”,这是韩愈眼中的书;“书籍是人类进步的阶梯”,这是高尔基眼中的书;“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,这是杜甫眼中的书;“读书给以人乐趣,给以人光彩,给以人才干”, 这是培根眼中的书。而我眼中的`书则是一把钥匙,让我打开文学之门;书是一叶小舟,载着我在知识的海洋里遨游……

  "There's no end to learning and there's no end to learning." this is the book in Hanyu's eyes; "books are the ladder of human progress", this is the book in Golgi's eyes; "reading breaks thousands of volumes, writing is like a God", this is the book in Dufu's eyes; "reading gives people fun, luster and talent". This is the book in Bacon's eyes. The book in my eyes is a key to open the door of literature; the book is a boat carrying me in the ocean of knowledge.


  I also think: "books are like mysterious gemstones, which contain infinite value; books are the treasure house of knowledge, making people become erudite and versatile; books are like loyal friends, who will always give you help and support silently when you meet difficulties.


  When I was in the fourth grade, my mother gave me a book called "one hundred thousand why", which I liked very much. As soon as I got the book, I couldn't wait to look like it. I seem to have entered the field of knowledge. In this book, I know a lot of historical knowledge and biological knowledge. I know why the insect flies to the spider's web and will be stuck, but the spider will not be stuck. Read "100000 why", make my knowledge vision expand continuously, my spare time is spent with it more.

  书就像我的朋友 ——孤独的时候,书是陪伴我的朋友;伤心的时候,书是安慰我的朋友;失意的时候,书是给我力量和自信的朋友。

  Books are like my friends - when I'm lonely, books are my friends to accompany me; when I'm sad, books are my friends to comfort me; when I'm frustrated, books are my friends to give me strength and confidence.


  Books are my life! Books will become my life-long friends, accompany me to grow up!



  "Well, from today on, if you don't brush your teeth or eat after brushing your teeth, there will be no good fruit to eat." the Empress Dowager's mother started to command fat me and Dad, who don't like brushing their teeth at night and like eating snacks. My mouth is full of holes, and my dad's teeth are black and yellow, which is very ugly.


  Mom saw that after brushing our teeth, she rushed us to bed. In the middle of the night, I couldn't sleep in bed, or I would steal some biscuits. When I went to the kitchen, I found that the biscuits had been opened. Damn it, who would eat my biscuits? Suddenly, I found a dark shadow beside the dining table. I thought it was Mom, but when mom wasn't so tall, the thief came to my house. I was just about to call. The thief used his hand Cover my mouth, the thief wants to kill people. When I'm ready to be heroic, the shadow says to me, "I'm your father.". He took his hand off, and I took a sigh of relief. "You come to steal something to eat," I asked. In the dark, Dad shrugged and said, "hungry," "that can't eat my biscuits," I said unhappily. You can eat chips, jellies... You can eat them all? "Your mother ate them all." I said, "Damn it!" we clapped each other's shoulders like allies.


  Do you still want to hear my story? Then come to me!


  20xx年xx月xx日 星期x 天气x

  Sunday, x x, 20xx weather x


  At the weekend, the students go to Beihai Park.


  Beihai Park has mountains and water, lush and pleasant scenery. The students rowed on the lake of lanzhanzhan. They talked and laughed. The lake is clear to the bottom, and the fish swim around like mischievous elves. The lake is full of lotus leaves. Many beautiful lotus flowers are blooming like a shy girl. A gust of wind blows and smells the fragrance. The lake is surrounded by green trees. The white tower in the distance stands tall and majestic. In the pavilion, the students had a good time playing.


  What a beautiful Beihai Park!



  ”Although I can't catch bass, I can catch big fish.


  Today, my mother and I went fishing on the farm. I used rice grains as bait to hang on the hook. I swung hard, and the buoy stood up. I waited for the fish to hook calmly. At this time, the buoy sank. I knew that the fish had hooked, and I was very happy. But I told myself not to worry. After a while, the buoy ran up again. I cried in my heart, and quickly closed the bar. A big fish jumped in front of me Jump around, one or two , I fished seven in a row. That's it. I came back with full load.


  Today, I'm so happy!



  May 7th


  Today I was really happy because green leaf promised to let me go to the dance competition. I have studied dance for many years since I was a child. I have studied Latin for five years, ballet for one year and jazz for three months. Until today, I can really show my level to you. I am so happy today!



  There is a little girl. She always wears a high ponytail. She often likes to wear a red skirt, especially small leather shoes. There is always a bear hanging on the schoolbag. Her name is Xinxin. She is a student of class three in one year. She is my classmate and my deskmate. She is my friend and my best friend.



  Today, I went to learn violin.


  When I arrived at the teacher's house, the teacher asked me to play the empty string. The teacher said that the small piano is a very difficult instrument, which is not as simple as you think. The teacher asked me to play the small music again, and I finished the remaining two pieces. There are many mistakes in the learning process. I can say that I will definitely be able to pass the second grade examination. I will practice every day, just recite a few fingers.



  Yesterday was my happiest day. Because I go swimming, I can swim to the end in one breath. Before, I could only swim to the escalator, only about 10 meters. This time, with my mother's encouragement, I have confidence, I have done more standard actions, I am not nervous in the water, and finally I swim to the end. Yeah! My mother and I clapped to congratulate us on our success! Finally, my mother gave me a reward, I am very happy!



  With the growth of age, worry also comes from the age, and the previous carefree also disappeared. For growth, it gives me countless happiness. I have a longing mood, but also some confusion and worry. Even sometimes, I would envy the birds flying freely in the sky at that time.

  每天放学回家的路上,多少我都会看到一些小朋友玩得很开心,正如以前的我,可现在长大的我,时时都会有压力。今天的作业;明天的复习;后天的考试......一点点堆积在一切压在我的身上. 跟以往一样,我背着沉甸甸的书包走向学校。

  Every day on the way home from school, I will see some children have a good time, just like me before, but now when I grow up, I always have pressure. Today's homework, tomorrow's review, the day after tomorrow's exam... A little bit piled up on my body. As always, I went to school with a heavy bag on my back.









