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The annual Qingming Festival is coming again. Our school has three days off. My father took me to the grave. All the people who died in our family were buried far away from me. (I think it's very far, but it's OK.)
在扫墓的前一天,爸爸和爷爷先准备齐祭祀物品(有鞭炮,纸钱,铁锹)。我毫不情愿地跟随着爸爸去扫墓了。走到半路,我突然产生了一个疑问“为什么清明要扫墓呢?”于是我询问起爸爸来,爸爸滔滔不绝地讲了起来:“清明节是一个祭祀祖先的节日,主要是扫墓,扫墓是慎终追远、敦亲睦族及行孝的具体表现。清明节流行扫墓,其实扫墓乃清明节前一天寒食节的内容,寒食相传起于晋文公悼念介子推一事。唐玄宗开元二十年诏令天下,“寒食上墓”。因寒食与清明相接,后来就逐渐传成清明扫墓了。明清时期,清明扫墓更为盛行。古时扫墓,孩子们还常要放风筝。有的风筝上安有竹笛,经风一吹能发出响声,犹如筝的声音,据说风筝的名字也就是这么来的。 清明节还有许多失传的风俗,如古代曾长期流传的戴柳、射柳、打秋千等,据载,辽代风俗最重清明节,上至朝廷下至庶民百姓都以打秋千为乐,仕女云集,踏青之风[2]也极盛。”听了爸爸的回答,我恍然大悟。
The day before the grave sweeping, father and grandfather were prepared to sacrifice their offerings (firecrackers, paper money, shovel). I went to the grave with my father reluctantly. In the middle of the road, I suddenly had a question, "why is tomb sweeping in Qingming?" so I asked my father, and he said: "Tomb Sweeping Day is a festival for ancestor worship, mainly for tomb sweeping. Tomb sweeping is the specific performance of being cautious, loving and filial. Tomb sweeping is popular on the Qingming Festival. Actually, tomb sweeping is the content of the cold food festival the day before the Qingming Festival. It is said that cold food originated from the memorial of Duke Wen of Jin for jiezitui. In the 20th year of the founding of the Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, the emperor decreed that "cold food goes to the tomb". Because cold food is connected with Qingming, it gradually became tomb sweeping. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, tomb sweeping was more popular. In ancient times, children used to fly kites when they visited tombs. Some kites are equipped with bamboo flutes, which can make a sound when the wind blows, just like the sound of zither. It is said that the name of kites comes from this. There are many lost customs in Qingming Festival, such as wearing willows, shooting willows, and playing swings, which have been circulated for a long time in ancient times. According to the records, the most important customs in Liao Dynasty are Qingming Festival. From the imperial court to the common people, they all enjoy playing swings. There are many ladies, and the wind of outing is very prosperous After listening to my father's answer, I suddenly realized.
When we got to the cemetery, we got off (my father drove there). My father asked me to follow my mother. My mother promised me. Then I followed my mother and everyone. On the way to the grave, there must be a small earth slope. It's hard, because it's also small stone paths.
Fling caution to the winds, I was tired and I sat on the grass and watched my father and his family kindly shovel the money that was ready at home with a lighter. Then grandpa was making a hat (with a spade on the ground). Then, my parents told me to kowtow to the old grandfather, I kowtow to my father and mother, and secretly made a wish in my heart. I hope my ancestors will bless me to have a good test and our family to be healthy and happy.
I'm so happy today.